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Smart Store Sourcing in the N-Job Era, N-Job Era, N-Job Era, N-Job Era, N-Job Era, N-Job Era Smart Store Sourcing, N-Job Era, N-Job Era, blog.naver.com


In order to select items, product selection is the key. Search keyword extraction There are various sites such as keyword extraction item scouting and panda rank compared to the issuance of keyword search related to TIP category keyword competition frequency confirmation, and Naver Data Lab should be understood to utilize these sites. Naver Data Lab->Shopping Insight->Category Settings Popular Search Words are ranked 100th to 400th from the top. Since the core of beginner sellers depends on whether they succeed in top exposure in a market with low entry barriers, the top priority of item selection should be snakehead by not trying to be a tail for products that can succeed in top exposure. If Naver’s data lab has checked the ranking of demand, let’s check the size of the market by entering keyword masters and item scouts. Usage: After classifying by category, market search can be performed in order of the number of products inquired (core is whether or not to be exposed to the top) All Search Details Page on Wholesale Site <Mango board> Use Items offered on domestic wholesale sites Sourcing <1688, Taobao, etc> Use This article does not include mango board and 1688, how to use Taobao. There were a lot of difficulties in writing, so I would like to post the details page using mango board if I have a chance. 1688, search Taobao, Mango board and study it, This is the first time you’ve seen a list of the best products on various channels such as carrot market, so if you’re having trouble comparing products with Chinese sites, try to experience them on domestic wholesale sites In order to select items, product selection is the key. Search keyword extraction There are various sites such as keyword extraction item scouting and panda rank compared to the issuance of keyword search related to TIP category keyword competition frequency confirmation, and Naver Data Lab should be understood to utilize these sites. Naver Data Lab->Shopping Insight->Category Settings Popular Search Words are ranked 100th to 400th from the top. Since the core of beginner sellers depends on whether they succeed in top exposure in a market with low entry barriers, the top priority of item selection should be snakehead by not trying to be a tail for products that can succeed in top exposure. If Naver’s data lab has checked the ranking of demand, let’s check the size of the market by entering keyword masters and item scouts. Usage: After classifying by category, market search can be performed in order of the number of products inquired (core is whether or not to be exposed to the top) All Search Details Page on Wholesale Site <Mango board> Use Items offered on domestic wholesale sites Sourcing <1688, Taobao, etc> Use This article does not include mango board and 1688, how to use Taobao. There were a lot of difficulties in writing, so I would like to post the details page using mango board if I have a chance. 1688, search Taobao, Mango board and study it, This is the first time you’ve seen a list of the best products on various channels such as carrot market, so if you’re having trouble comparing products with Chinese sites, try to experience them on domestic wholesale sites

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